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Neon vs Supabase: A Comprehensive Comparison

Neon vs Supabase: A Comprehensive Comparison

Explore the key differences between Neon and Supabase, two popular database solutions for modern web applications.

8 min read
Serverless Databases in 2024NEW

Serverless Databases in 2024

The Good, the Bad, and the Must-Know for Developers.

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Developers Love My Technical Content

The article is great, and provide an amazing in-depth explanation :clap: The summary on the bottom right is great too! Dark mode is my favourite colour scheme I love the background you use for each-image!

Alberto Cubeddu

Alberto Cubeddu

Co-founder of SkillSociety

Kudos for being a developer who writes :)

Ophir Prusak

Ophir Prusak

Senior Product Manager

You really have a great eye for the developer space.

Andy Hattemer

Andy Hattemer

Head of Marketing, Neon